Monday, December 6, 2010

The Secret Behind Ted Turner’s Call For A Global One Child Policy: This Is Proof Ted Turner Backing Depopulation Control Groups.

Uncle Ted has 5 children, but once the new world order is done with its economic raping of the middle class, you may be forced to get sterilized for cash.

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, December 6, 2010

Just months after a leaked UN blueprint that revealed climate change alarmists would start pushing "overpopulation" fears in favor of the discredited mantra of global warming as a means of dismantling the middle class, billionaire globalist Ted Turner followed suit during a Cancun luncheon yesterday when he urged the world to adopt China’s brutal one-child policy, and even suggested poor people should be sterilized in return for government handouts.
Following a speech by economist Brian O’Neill from the U.S.’s National Center for Atmospheric Research which "concluded that a rapidly rising global population is contributing to an acceleration of emission growth," Uncle Ted stepped in to remind us that mere slaves should not aspire to follow his example of having five children, restricting themselves to one or being made to face the wrath of a Chinese-style one child policy, which sends women who defy its edicts to "re-education camps," once they have been beaten, forcibly injected and had their baby boiled alive inside their womb of course.
"Mr. Turner – a long-time advocate of population control – said the environmental stress on the Earth requires radical solutions, suggesting countries should follow China’s lead in instituting a one-child policy to reduce global population over time. He added that fertility rights could be sold so that poor people could profit from their decision not to reproduce," reports the Globe and Mail.
The secret behind Turner’s call for western nations to enforce a tyrannical policy that in China is administered by undercover police and "family planning" authorities who kidnap, force drug and then forcibly abort babies of pregnant women, has nothing whatsoever to do with his concern for the environment.
Turner himself has five children and owns no less than 2 million acres of land. He is the largest private landowner on the planet, falling short of only the royal families of Europe. Turner has publicly advocated shocking population reduction programs that would cull the human population by a staggering 95%, a figure only achievable by outright genocide, mass abortion and infanticide.
In the third world, Turner has contributed literally billions to population reduction, namely through United Nations programs, leading the way for the likes of Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet (Gates’ father has long been a leading board member of Planned Parenthood and a top eugenicist). Gates himself has given speeches in which he promotes the use of vaccines and abortion as a means of reducing global population and lowering CO2 emissions.
Quite how an improvement in health care through vaccines that supposedly save lives would lead to a lowering in global population is an oxymoron, unless Gates was referring to vaccines that sterilize people, which is precisely the same method advocated in White House science advisor John P. Holdren’s 1977 textbook Ecoscience, which calls for a dictatorial "planetary regime" to enforce draconian measures of population reduction via all manner of oppressive techniques, including sterilization.
This is what Gates and Turner discussed when they met in secret with the likes of George Soros and David Rockefeller at a private gathering of billionaires in Manhattan last year, a confab focused around how these globalists could use their wealth to "slow the growth of the world’s population."
As is manifestly provable, the true agenda behind fanning the flames of fears about overpopulation is to reduce living standards globally, by preventing the third world from ever becoming economically prosperous, while also eviscerating the middle classes of western nations. It has nothing whatsoever to do with saving the earth and is merely another convenient trojan horse that globalists invoke to advance their tyranny.
This fact was admitted in a leaked UN blueprint which emerged in September. The document called for alarmists to push "overpopulation" as a replacement for "climate change," while conceding that the ultimate goal was to "limit and redirect the aspirations for a better life of rising middle classes around the world," in other words, to convince the masses that they will have to be content with a state of near poverty in order to save the planet from armageddon. Although Uncle Ted will get to keep his 2 million acres and his five kids will go on to procreate ad infinitum, naturally.
Overpopulation is a myth. The UN’s own figures clearly indicate that population is set to stabilize in 2020 and then drop dramatically after 2050. As the Economist reported, "Fertility is falling and families are shrinking in places— such as Brazil, Indonesia, and even parts of India—that people think of as teeming with children. As our briefing shows, the fertility rate of half the world is now 2.1 or less—the magic number that is consistent with a stable population and is usually called "the replacement rate of fertility". Sometime between 2020 and 2050 the world’s fertility rate will fall below the global replacement rate."
To emphasize, not only do the numbers clearly indicate that overpopulation is a contrived scare, but the scaremongers themselves have been caught admitting that they are fanning the fears in order to reduce living standards in the west and consequently set in motion a "global redistribution of wealth."
And don’t for a second be fooled into thinking that this so-called "global redistribution of wealth" will manifest some kind of socialist utopia. As was uncovered during the Copenhagen summit, the program of "global redistribution of wealth" largely centers around looting the wealth of the middle classes in richer countries through carbon taxes and then using that money to bankroll the construction of world government. As the leaked "Danish text" revealed, the money generated from consumption taxes will go directly to the World Bank, not to developing countries.
Let me emphasize again, even if you believe the claptrap circulated about overpopulation, the men being empowered to "solve the problem" have stated that their primary goal is to kill 95 per cent of humanity while destroying prosperity and economic freedom in the west, as well as ensuring that the third world remains in mountains of debt to the World Bank and IMF.
This is akin to hiring Ted Bundy to spearhead a program aimed at alleviating an epidemic of physical abuse towards women. It would be like appointing Charlie Manson the leader of a teen summer camp.
Ted Turner is a billionaire industrialist with five kids, 2 million acres of land and a network of business interests that combined must spew more carbon dioxide in a year than all the people reading this article put together in a lifetime could manage. And he is telling you to make sacrifices, to not have children, to sell your reproductive rights and be sterilized, to reduce your living standards, just like Al Gores flaps his gums about rising sea levels caused by global warming while purchasing oceanside property worth millions of dollars.
How much more evidence will it take for people to accept the fact that overpopulation is a myth and that it has been hijacked by global warming alarmists who are now using it as a replacement for the discredited science of man-made climate change in order to build their new world order, which is based entirely around squeezing the middle class and making people more dependent on big government, thereby becoming the architects of their own enslavement and being forced to crawl cap-in-hand to the likes of Uncle Ted and beg for a dime.

"Personal Note."

Ted Turner & Bill Gates all for depopulation control groups they think it's our fault for global warning, they the ones have all the damn money and think they are above the law and don't have to answer to anyone, I have news for them God have mecry on there souls, God going to do the same to them just like he did to hitler cast them into the lake of fire.

By David Ranew

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The Aiken County Council kept from the public that SRS plans 1,400 layoffs if the public knew about this the one cents sales tax wouldn't have pass, the Aiken Standard put the article out about the layoffs at SRS in October 2010, the county council should have told the public about the layoffs it's fraud to keep information of the public, the Voters have every right to know the economy is unstable to have any taxes, the one cents tax is for to line there pockets not for roads or police cars or ems, The Sheriff Department and EMS, are Federal Founded They Get Money from "FEMA" every year sheriff hunt knows this and aiken county council know's it when they clame the taxs is for this they are lairs. contact fema for your self they will tell you
the county council are lairs and should be kick off that council and they call themself Christians.
here the link to the article srs plans 1,400 layoffs.http://www.aikenstandard.com/PrinterFriendly/1029-Workforce-restructuring

By David Ranew

Monday, November 1, 2010


The Aiken County Council up to there old tricks again back in the summer the council appose a new one cents sale tax that they clame it would pay for new schools and the up keep of county roads, Obama gave the state money for that, we went the polls and voted against it saying it's not the time for a new tax on the county, they got mad over it and made statements it would get pass one way or the other, South Carolina has one of the highist unemployment rates in the country at 10.5 percent, On october 29 2010 the aiken county council without the public knowing anything had a meeting at the council building with the sheriff of aiken county and EMS, Apposing the one cent sale tax that we Voters of south carolina shot down in May of this year, it's not the sheriff of the county to decide for the voters who pays taxes, his job is protecting county. not telling the voters what we going to do with our vote, here sheriff hunt forcful statement. saying here the packages they going to enforce.http://www2.wjbf.com/news/2010/oct/29/aiken-county-leaders-urge-voters-pass-sales-tax-re-ar-1030319/

The Aiken County Council forgot to tell the public SRS PLANS 1,400 LAYOFFS, i guess we the people of south carolina don't have a right know this i'am sure they knew all about it and didn't wanna face the music from the press. here the link to the artcile. http://www.aikenstandard.com/Local/1029-Workforce-restructuring

I'am asking everyone to share this post with everybody you know and let them know our county government has turn there backs on the goodhearted people of this county and when 2012 comes lets clean house vote everyone off that council and put people on that county council we can trust, By David Ranew.

Friday, October 22, 2010


This is proof our government did run a false flag on the United States on September 11 2001 our Government Invited the mastermind of 9/11 to the pentagon to a lunching, over 8,000 people lost there life on 9/11, now this carp took place, this is HIGH TREASON everyone involved should be arrested and sent to prison, Who Knows Osama Bin Laden just mite be in this Country if they allow this person walk around freely in our government buildings then there is terrorist living and working in this country. here the link to the article.http://www.infowars.com/al-qaeda-mastermind-invited-to-pentagon-after-911/

Saturday, October 2, 2010


In 1932, the German newsreel subsidiary of Fox News Channel's corporate ancestor, Fox Films, intervened in national Elections in Germany, The Candidate Fox supported was Nazi Leader Adolf Hitler.

The basic facts are available in German Historian Hans Mommsen's authoritative study entiled The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy, which is Translated into English and widely available in over five hundred libraies in this country. Mommsen, one of the most distinguished postwar German historians, is now Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Bochum, In Mommsen's account of Nazi proganda techniques, we find the following: "There was nothing that escaped the ingenuity of Nazi propagandist. A case in point was the use of film. Under Goebbels' influence the party had begun to exloit the potential of the political proaganda film to an unprecedented extent as an early as 1930. Such films were shown mostly in places where Hitler and others prominent party leaders were not able to appear as speakers. For the manufacture of outdoor sound film, the NSDAP turned to an American Company, "Twentieth Century Fox."

Scholar William G. Chrystal confirms this account and provides further important details in this 1975 article on "Nazi Party Election Films, 1927-1938." Chrystal writes: "Support for two additional 1932 election films, Der Fuhrer (The Leader), and Hitlers Kampf um Deutschland (Hitler's Struggle for Germany) came from the German-based subsidiary of Twentieth Century Fox, Tonende Wochenschau (Fox Weeky Sound Newsreel [i.e., Fox Movietone News]). In Addition, they also supplied some mobile sound film vans to used during the campaign. Thus at least part of Hitler's support in that critical time was the result of Fox's Help. The background for this assistance is unknown since Fox Tonende Wochenschau records were destroyed during the war," according to a July 9, 1974 letter to Chrystal from Joesph Bellfort, Who was at that time the vice president of the Twentieth Century Fox International Film Corporation.
Here the link to the article.http://www.infowars.com/in-1932-fox-helped-make-propaganda-films-for-hitler/

Here a Rare: 1929 Fox News Reel of Mussolini Speech Translated in English.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTXhez2mNmM

"Personal Note"

The next time you turn your cable channel to Fox News Channel you'll supporting a Nazi Party And Bill O Riley and Glenn Beck be your Commander and chief.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Obama gave the people there change he stolen your money took your jobs stage terror attacks pass a healthcare bill for one reason to kill people committed high treason now he has plans for a new swine flu hoax for this fall this president is a damn lair now he wants to shut down the internet because he don't like what the public saying about him and having homeland security to spy on the public for no reason, there one thing about the otah he took is the truth here word by word "I WILL FAITHFULLY EXECUTE EVERY ONE I PUT IN FEMA CAMPS" this is obama real plan everytime something happens obama leaves the country just like bill clinton did, obama just another joke the government put in office and he fall for it he let the clintons sucker him into there con game, he told everyone the war in iraq was over, if over then why he depoly more troops over to iraq, the thrity trillion dollars he stolen was for jobs when he was ask where the money went he said it was an secret and he sign ("Executive Order 13526") Which states any Documents or Information is dem classified and is national security information. people obama don't care about this country he never did do you still wanna back this lair.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


It's obama fault this country has falling and has no one to blame but himself, he has stolen 30 trillion dollars from the taxpayers, and pass bills thats even put this country deeper in a hole all part of his plan, obama has lied sence day one his "yes we can" speech was the most bull S**t speech any president can say, his health carebill he sign was for one reason to kill people thats the truth, he sign Executive Order 13490 To Hire Lobbyish in the white house he gets 30 40 dollars for every person who's gets' unemployment check and on foostamps, obama never cared about this country, obama aunt is on welfare she states the united states owe it to her see video she from kenya just like obama is his real name is barry he from kenya, the country kenya is known for terrorist, every time something happings obama leaves the country, obama is the president of the new black panthers party, which he denies if it's not true then why the panther party goe's to the white house. "IT'S ONE Big ASS MISTAKE AMERICA" It's Time Run Obama Ass Outta The White House Arrest Him For High Treason.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


The miac strategic report 02-20-09 they clames all americans are militia in this report they go after everybody, if you are a taxpayer you are milita, if you vote you are a militia, if you own a gun you are militia, if you have an american flag out side your front door you are a militia, you go to church you are militia, If you fight for your constutitional rights you are a militia, you'll read a book are burn a book you are militia, and they denied everything in the report they clame the Missouri Information Analysis Center and the Missouri State Police, didn't release the report then who did? what they have to hide who die and left these people in charge.

They even have uncle sam "Defen American Join The Militia" The missouri information analysis center and the missouri state police need to move to russia. here the pdf link.

Friday, September 10, 2010


41 Obama's White House Aides Owe the Irs 831,000 In Back Taxes And They Not Alone.

Obama believe in spending the taxpayers money but yet him and his top aides owe the irs back taxes obama seal his to keep the public from knowning, his top aides owe the irs 831,000 in back taxes, here the names Tom Daschle, Timothy Geithner, Hilda Solis, Janet Napolitano. all owe the irs back taxes, Our Economy going under and these jerks too damn sorry to there taxes, they wanna stand and preach to us and take our jobs from us and give them to wetbacks so they can try to hide there secrets, it's time to send there asses to jail that way they will know how it feels and put them to slame like they do us. here the link to the article.http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2010/09/congress-taxes-irs.html

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Food: The Unltimate Secret Exposed: The Truth Gets Out

Finally The Truth Is Out About FDA Cover Up Not Being Truthful To The Public Allowing The Government Put Porsion In Our Food And Telling The FDA It's Alright Everthing Is Safe And FDA Not Testing The To Make Sure Is Safe To Eat, The Article You About To Read And The Videos Of Alex Jones Research Is The Truth On This. He Asking Everyone To Pass This On I'am Asking You Do The Same Please Help Us Get This Out to Everyone.
Here The Link To The Article.http://www.infowars.com/food-the-ultimate-secret-exposed/

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Obama's Playing The Race Card Again Now He Using The Naacp, And The Black Panthers To Bulley The Public If You A tean A Tea Party You Are Racist, Naacp President Made The Racist Comments, There Only One Reason For This He Losing Poll Ratings, And His Own Democate Party Not Buying What He has For Sale Anymore, Obama Is The President Of The New Black Panthers He's Backing This Hate Group He Can't Denied It, He Has There Website Posted On His Obama08 Website, He Was Ask To Remove There Site From His, He Still A Tean There Meetings.
National Geographic: Describes The New Black Panther Party As "A Militant Hate Group Headquartered In Washinton. D.C. That Seeks To Redefine The Black Sinruggle For Equality And Demand Liberation From What It See As White Supremacy."
The Party March On Independence Day, Dragging The American flags Through The Streets, Trampling The Flag On The Ground And Setting It On Fire. The Video You About To See Is Racist. Here The To Article.http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=175817
Obama Has And Always Will Use Racist Groups Againts The Whites, You can Research Everything For Your Self Obama Will Always Support The Black Panthers And The NAACP, Obama Thinks All The Whites Are Dumb And He Thinks He Has Everyone Scare Of Him, Obama Has Commited High Treason And He Will Be The One Impeach, For The Threats He Makes.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Everything I been Telling Everyone Has Come True, I Post Documents To Back Everything I Was Saying Is The Truth, Now I Want Everyone To Liston To What I Going To Tell You, Our Country We Love So Much Is Going To Collapse And Go Into A Great Depression This Country Has Ever Seen, Early Fall This Year And First Of 2011-2012. I Want EveryBody Get This Out To Every One You Know. Here The Link To The Article.http://www.infowars.com/top-clinton-official-only-a-terror-attack-can-save-obama/

Thursday, July 8, 2010

UpDate: Obama Commits Acts Of High Treason; Sides With Foreign Power Against Arizona.

People I have been Telling You All For Months What Been Happing Obama Has Commited High Treason By dening Our Law Enforcement Help When They Demand It, Sheriffs In Arizona Have Been Shot And Others Have Death Threats On There Lifes, Obama Said No To Border Security, Obama Is Holding This Country Hostage For Political Gain, And Ordering Our Troops In Afghanistan To Grow Opium And Shiping It To The United States, People This Is High Treason, Now Obama File A Suit Against Arizona For Passing A Law Aganist Illegal Mexicans. Comming To This Country Illegal. Obama Should Be Impeach.

The 11th Amendment Of The Constitution Cleary States:

The Julicial Power Of The United States Shall Not Be Construed To extend To Any Suit In Law Or Eduity Commenced Or Prosecuted Against One Of The United States By Citizens Of Aother State, Or By Citizens Or Subject Of Any Foreign State.

Here The Link To The Article.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mexican Drug Cartel Sends Death Threats To Arizona County Sheriff:

The sheriff in Arizona County Demand President Obama to Close The Border In Order To Keep Drug Lords From Coming Across InTo His County, People Are Being Killed For No Reason Now The Sheriff Has Death Threats On His Life For No Reason, People This Is High Treason For Obama Just Sit Back And Allow A Bunch Of Illegal Mexicans Drug Lords To Come In This Country And Kill People It's Treason, Obama Should Be Inpeach. Here The Link To The Article.http://www.infowars.com/mexican-drug-cartel-sends-death-threats-to-arizona-county-sheriff/

Senator Kyl: Says Obama Said No Border Security For Political Reasons.

"kyl I Met With The President In The Oval Office, Just The Two Of Us Here What The President Said, The Problem Is He Said, If We Secure The Border Then You All (Republicans) Won't Have Any Reason To Support Comprehensive Immigration Refrom, (Audible Gasps From Audience) In Other Words, They're Holding The Borders Hostage, They Won't Secure The Border Unless And Until It Is Combined With Comprehensive Immigration."

It's About 3:20 In The Video.

Here The Video Link.


Monday, June 28, 2010

H.R. 3962 HealthCare Bill Has Pass The Senate:

The healthcare bill pass the senate 219-212 it went to obama to be sign people the bill is illegal no president or congress can't pass a bill to make American people take out health insurance or anyother insurance, this healthcare bill was pass to make obama rich the money goes in his backpocket, people obama even dem all the insurance unions tax free in other words they don't have to pay taxes, this is obama plan he does not care about the American people and he never will People this the Truth. here the link to the healthcare bill. http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf